North Dakota Legislative Week 5- What happened and what is coming up

(Pictured Blake Crosby, Executive Director, North Dakota League of Cities, testifying before House Finance and Tax Committee) Week 4 of the Legislative Session concluded on Friday (1/29). Both the House and Senate bill introduction deadlines have passed. As such, everyone has a good idea of the issues that we will be working on this Session. Last Week Here's a summary of the actions on a few high priority bills that the League has been working on: HB 1108 has been amended to include eliminating the requirement for cities include a list of checks with their publication of governing board minutes in the official newspaper as long as a list of checks appears on the city's website. This bill is on the House Calendar with a 8-5-1 do pass recommendation. HB 1130, which allows a municipal court judgment to be converted to a civil judgment, passed the House by a vote of 70-19. HB 1167, which provides for a study of property tax equity, passed the House by a vote of 92-0. HB 1192, wh...